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Our Health & Wellness Coaches will help you become a healthier and better version of yourself.

Our health & wellness coaches work with their clients to set realistic health goals, develop healthy habits, and make lifestyle changes that will lead to lasting health improvements. While health & wellness coaching is a relatively new field, it is rapidly gaining popularity as an effective way to improve health and well-being.

Health & wellness coaching helps people find the motivation and inspiration to lead healthier lives. Being physically healthy and fit is not just about looking good, it’s about feeling good too. Health & wellness coaching helps people lead healthier lives by encouraging them to make positive lifestyle changes.

Health Coaching

1:1 Health & Wellness Coaching
6 sessions for $400.00/ Monthly

Next Level Health & Wellness proudly offers individualized health and wellness coaching for individuals who are ready to embark on their wellness journey. Working with your coach, you will gain insight into current habits, set goals to create a plan and incorporate new habits to move forward in life. Each week, your coach will meet with you to assess your progress while keeping you accountable.

This package includes the following services:
Group Health & Wellness Coaching
(2 - 3 Clients)
6 sessions for $325.00 - $350.00 / Monthly

Next Level Health & Wellness proudly offers individualized health and wellness coaching for a special rate when two to three participants within the same household embark on a wellness journey simultaneously. Working with your coach, each participant will gain insight into current habits, set goals to create a plan and incorporate new habits to move forward in life. Each week, your coach will meet with you to assess your progress while keeping you accountable.

This package includes the following services for each client:

Online Personal Training

1:1 Online Personal Training
$200 / Monthly

Next Level Health & Wellness offers online personal training with a certified personal trainer. Whether your goal is to achieve weight loss, strength training or just getting fit, our fitness professional will help you reach your desired fitness goals.

This package includes the following services:
Group Online Personal Training (2 - 3 Clients)
$165- $175 / Monthly

Next Level Health & Wellness offers specialized pricing for online personal training with a certified personal trainer for two to three members of the same household. Whether the goal is to achieve weight loss, strength train or getting fit, our fitness professional will help each of you reach your desired fitness goals.

This package includes the following services for each client:

Health & Wellness Coaching + Online Personal Training

1:1 Health & Wellness Coaching + Online Personal Training
6 Sessions for $575 / Monthly

Next Level Health & Wellness proudly offers a dynamic package combining both health and wellness coaching and online personal training. Working with your coach, you will examine current habits, set goals and create a roadmap to propel you forward. Your coach will help you maintain the course with weekly review of progress and accountability.

This package includes the following services:
Health & Wellness Coaching + Online Personal Training (2-3 Clients)
6 Sessions for $450 to 475.00 / Monthly

Next Level Health & Wellness proudly offers a dynamic package combining both health and wellness coaching and online personal training for two to three members within the same household. Working with your coach, each participant will examine their current habits, set goals and create a roadmap to propel forward. Your coach will help maintain the course with weekly review of progress and accountability.

This package includes the following services for each client:

Health Coaching Sessions

Health & Wellness Coaching: Consultation
$115.00 (1 hour)

At Next Level Health & Wellness our coaches are ready to help you achieve your Next Level in life. If you are ready to gain insight into your current habits, establish goals, incorporate new habits and move forward in life, then scheduling this consultation is for you. Participation in this 60 minute consultation will allow our coaches to thoroughly evaluate your current wellbeing and create a roadmap with you to conquer your goals to excel in life.

Health & Wellness Coaching: Weekly Check In
$85.00 (30 minutes)

Participation in our virtual 30 minute weekly session with our coaches continues the conversation surrounding your wellbeing and desire to implement new habits into your life. This focused session incorporates accountability, assessment of goals, health education and addressing challenges to help you to stay motivated!

Health & Wellness Coaching: Telephone Check In
$40.00 (15 minutes)

Participation in our 15 minute phone conversation with our coaches offers assessment of goals, examining current challenges and focused accountability coaching when life presents challenges so that you will remain motivated and focused on your health and wellness journey.

Health Challenges

New challenges to meet your ultimate goals


$80 per session

Are you ready to take your skill set to the Next Level? Tumble Talk is a dynamic group discussion led by Coach Michael to discuss concerns, offer feedback and empower athletes. Whether you participate in Acro, Cheer, Gymnastics or even Parkour, Coach Michael is here to help you soar as he discusses the mental roadblocks that impede growth. During this discussion, you and other like minded athletes will gain insight and unlock your competitive edge to help you nail that next routine, competition or stunt.

If you are interested in improving your health, consider working with a health & wellness coach.

Let's Start

What's your
Health Goal?